The finishing of Wonder.

Last week, G.S. Lakie Middle School finished Wonder by R.J Palicio. The book was about a ten year old boy, named August Pullman, (Auggie for short) who is ‘handicapped.’ He had never been to school and started at Middle School for the very first time in his life. On the first day of school nobody liked him. Everybody just stared. It was a terrible experience for Auggie, and he never wanted to go to school again, but his mom was his own inspiration. Mom never pushed him to do anything but she did persuade him a lot to do things.

Auggie liked to name people after Star Wars characters. (By the way, he loves star wars.)

In the story, a person called Jack, was his ‘so called friend.’ He pretended to like him because Mr. Tushman (Dean of Auggie’s school) had asked him to be his friend and ‘hang out’ with Auggie. At one point in the story, at Halloween, Auggie was supposed to go as a character from Star Wars, and told everybody he was going as this character. The next morning he didn’t want to wear his original costume, so he went as another character from Star Wars. When Auggie went to school that day, he heard Jack and a few other friends talking about him. They were saying things like ‘If I had a face like that, I would never show my face!’ How horrible is that?!

Look’s like today is a crappy day!

This morning, I felt terrible. Don’t ask why, I don’t know. But I just did and I totally knew it was going to be a extremely bad day. But actually it wasn’t that bad. First I had Phys Ed. Boring but I got through it. Then L.A. We had this really boring talk with 6B and it was extremely boring. I’m pretty sure Mr. Malcolm and Ms. Coleby were trying to get the message over to me and not anyone else. They probably just don’t want me to know that they are pointing it at me. I’m not stupid either! But anyway then we went down to ther library. Not for long. Just to do an exchange. Ms. Fischbuch played this stupid video about a dude named Ted and how writing books changed his lives. Ugh! Then Film Studies. I love it! Ms. Dudas makes me laugh. She’s kind and funny, just like Ms. Coleby and Mr. Malcolm. Anyways. We watched Shrek finished today. It was awesome and funny. Then lunch. As usual I go straight outside because I don’t take lunch but that’s okay with me. I don’t mind. Then Advisor. Showcase. Nothing much. Social Studies. We went to war for the first time! I didn’t get to battle because nobody chose to fight me. 😦  Pd 5. My first time in Multiculturism. It was fun. We tried different foods and found out what our names were. Then PD 6 & 7. We read Wonder. It’s getting really good, but not in a good way, because the book is not good. If that make’s sense. I mean the book is getting really really descriptiive and aweosme. Then at the end of the day. Dad picked me up and gave me a new iPhone 4S. Awesome! Lol